Hey Kids!
Have I told you how much I love smiling? I can’t bear to see children sad. When children are sad, it makes me sad, and that can be a grizzly sight. This is why I tell all the kids I meet to keep their teeth clean and healthy by brushing and flossing.
A healthy set of teeth is a happy set of teeth! And the folks at Bradberry Pediatric Dentistry can help you keep your teeth healthy and strong. Dr. David and his team are excited to be your friend and willing help you earn a bright and beautiful smile.
Did you make sure to brush this morning? Did you floss as well? These are habits you should do every day to make sure you keep your teeth healthy in between visits. Brushing and flossing get rid of plaque, the gross stuff left from food. When your teeth are free from plaque, they shine!
As much as I love to eat honey, I know lots of sugar can be harmful to my teeth. Sugar can cause cavities, gingivitis, and other harmful things that can damage my smile, so I try to stay away from eating candy and drinking soda. Instead, I like to eat fibrous foods, like carrots, apples, and broccoli, to help brush off bad bacteria while I eat. I also drink lots of water. Staying hydrated keeps me healthy and helps to wash away all the food left over from breakfast, because that can be embearrassing.
I love smiling! Can’t you tell? Visit me in Marietta, and I can show you the ways Dr. David taught me how to keep my teeth clean and healthy. I can bearly wait to meet you!
Your friend,
Brad Beary